Have You Ever Met a Roaring Dinosaur? (Hardcover)
作者: Lou Treleaven 
書城編號: 28423287

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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出版社: Two Windmills
出版日期: 2025/07/08 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781835551684


Have you ever met a dinosaur who cannot roar?

Rumble the Tyrannosaurus rex can squeak, burp, giggle and even bark, but he cannot work out how to roar. One day, Rumble's dino friends decide to teach him. Will Rumble ever find his roar?

Make story time fun with this "read-and-play" book that combines a laugh-out-loud story with a soft-to-touch hand puppet all in one book! Children will be captivated as they read the funny, rhyming story about a very noisy T. rex and act out the story with the plush dinosaur puppet mouth to help Rumble learn to "ROAR!" on every page.

The soft, plush hand puppet mouth fits both big and little hands for read-aloud together time, and for peace of mind, the puppet is securely attached to the back of the book. Simply place your hand inside the puppet and move your fingers and thumb to act out the story and bring Rumble the T. rex to life!

Lou Treleaven 作者作品表

Have You Ever Met a Magical Unicorn? (Hardcover)

Have You Ever Met a Roaring Dinosaur? (Hardcover)

Shevolution: Celebrating Female Power Throughout History (Hardcover)

Don’t Open This Book Until You’re 9!: Unlock oodles of fun (Paperback)

Don’t Open This Book Until You’re 8!: Unlock oodles of fun (Paperback)

I Can Count Cuddles! (Board Books)

I Can Count Cuddles! (Board Books)

A Sleepy, Snorey Dino Story! a Ready-For-Bed Board Book (Hardcover)

Sleepy, Yawny Unicorny! a Ready-For-Bed Book (Hardcover)

Twirly Tales: Rainbowcorn (Board Books)

Hairy-tales Roarsome! (Board book)

Hairy-tales Rainbowcorn (Board book)

Who's the Roariest Dinosaur? (Board book)

Who's the Sparkliest Unicorn? (Board book)

Undercover Overlord / Meddling Underling (Paperback)

Dinosaurs in Boots (Paperback)

Dinosaurs in Boots (Library Binding)

S.I.D. Snake in Disguise (Library Binding)

S.I.D. Snake in Disguise (Paperback)

Believe in Your Elf! (Board Books)

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