eBook: Burdened Agency: Christian Theology and End-of-Life Ethics (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Travis Pickell 
分類: Ethics & moral philosophy ,
Philosophy of religion ,
Religious ethics ,
Christian theology ,
Sociology: death & dying ,
Medical ethics & professional conduct  
書城編號: 28425579

售價: $520.00

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製造商: University of Notre Dame Press
出版日期: 2024/08/15
ISBN: 9780268208400
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Travis Pickell explores the paradoxes of choice in modern dying and the ways Christian theology can aid in navigating the relationship between moral agency and dignity at the end of life.Burdened Agency addresses the problem of death and dying through Christian theology and ethics. In previous centuries, death was something that simply "happened" to us. To choose how or when one died was the exception, not the rule. However, due to advances in modern medicine, individuals are increasingly required to make concrete choices about the nature and timing of death. Modernity, with its emphasis on individualism, complicates this further because we are increasingly bereft of cultural and religious guidance regarding death. This gives rise to the phenomenon of "burdened agency": the predicament of having to make such difficult choices with so little to help us.This engaging book offers a historical and philosophical account of the origins of our situation of burdened agency, as well as a Christian solution to the problems that it raises. Looking to theologians such as Karl Rahner, Karl Barth, and Stanley Hauerwas, Pickell devises a radically countercultural approach to death and dying rooted in Christian theological commitments and enacted in the practices of baptism, Eucharist, and prayer.
Travis Pickell 作者作品表

Burdened Agency: Christian Theology and End-Of-Life Ethics (Hardcover)

eBook: Burdened Agency: Christian Theology and End-of-Life Ethics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Burdened Agency: Christian Theology and End-of-Life Ethics (DRM EPUB)

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