eBook: Knowledge and Skills Partnerships in Youth Justice (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jayne Price, Sean Creaney 
分類: Social issues & processes ,
Sociology ,
Social work ,
Crime & criminology ,
Teacher training ,
Criminology: legal aspects ,
Criminal justice law ,
書城編號: 28427158

售價: $416.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/08/07
頁數: 154
ISBN: 9781040106167
>> 相關實體書

Providing in-depth insight into different types of knowledge and skills partnerships in youth justice, this book illustrates the importance of collaborative working between academics and professionals, drawing on empirical research and practice examples to present expert analysis of knowledge/evidence production and utilisation in youth justice.Original and cutting edge, the focus of this edited collection is on different forms of knowledge exchange (transfer) between professionals and academics in the youth justice context. Authored by experts in the field, each chapter presents a series of case studies showcasing the application of theory/evidence to practice, and shedding light on the challenges professionals experience when seeking to understand complex theory and 'make sense' of the vast array of empirical data.Knowledge and Skills Partnerships in Youth Justice will appeal to students researching youth justice and criminal justice systems. The book will also be useful for practitioners of youth justice, as well as policymakers.
Jayne Price 作者作品表

Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People (Hardcover)

Essentials of Nursing Children and Young People (Paperback)

Teaching Secondary Music (Paperback)

Palliative Care for Children and Families (Paperback)

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