eBook: West Wind (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Alexandria Warwick 
系列: The Four Winds
分類: Fantasy  
書城編號: 28435333

售價: $113.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Simon & Schuster Australia
出版日期: 2024/10/30
頁數: 464
ISBN: 9781761426056

From the author of The North Wind comes a darkly reimagined tale of forbidden love, inspired by the Greek myth of Hero and Leander and the Scottish ballad Tam Lin. Brielle of Thornbrook has dedicated her life to the abbey. She spends her days forging iron and her evenings studying the Text, all in preparation of becoming an acolyte. Twenty-one years on this earth and she has never touched a man. And she never will. But when she finds an injured stranger in the forest, Brielle can't resist the urge to help him. The encounter leads her to the realm of Under, where the air breathes rot, and the fair folk dance and whisper. Where she discovers that the man she helped is actually a god: Zephyrus, the West Wind, Bringer of Spring. There are few Brielle can trust in Under, least of all Zephyrus. He is charming, dangerously so, and never has a man so thoroughly ensnared her. As she embarks on a journey through the eerie banks and caves of Under, Brielle finds herself in a perilous situation. For here is where faith and heart collide and where she risks not only her future but her life.
The Four Winds

The West Wind: the enchanting second book in the hot TikTok romantasy series The Four Winds (Paperback)

The South Wind: the third instalment in luscious romantasy series The Four Winds, beloved by BookTok! (Hardcover)

The West Wind: the enchanting second book in the hot TikTok romantasy series The Four Winds (Paperback)

The West Wind (Hardcover)

eBook: West Wind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: North Wind: The TikTok sensation! An enthralling enemies-to-lovers romantasy, the first in the Four Winds series (DRM EPUB)

eBook: North Wind: The TikTok sensation! An enthralling enemies-to-lovers romantasy, the first in the Four Winds series (mp3 zips)

The North Wind: The TikTok sensation! An enthralling enemies-to-lovers romantasy, the first in the Four Winds series (Paperback)

The North Wind: The TikTok sensation! An enthralling enemies-to-lovers romantasy, the first in the Four Winds series (Hardcover)

eBook: North Wind (DRM EPUB)

Alexandria Warwick 作者作品表

The West Wind: the enchanting second book in the hot TikTok romantasy series The Four Winds (Paperback)

The South Wind: the third instalment in luscious romantasy series The Four Winds, beloved by BookTok! (Hardcover)

The West Wind (Compact Disc)

The West Wind (Paperback)

The West Wind: the enchanting second book in the hot TikTok romantasy series The Four Winds (Paperback)

The West Wind (Hardcover)

eBook: West Wind (DRM EPUB)

The North Wind (Compact Disc)

The North Wind (Paperback)

eBook: North Wind (DRM EPUB)

The North Wind: The TikTok sensation! An enthralling enemies-to-lovers romantasy, the first in the Four Winds series (Paperback)

The North Wind: The TikTok sensation! An enthralling enemies-to-lovers romantasy, the first in the Four Winds series (Hardcover)

eBook: North Wind: The TikTok sensation! An enthralling enemies-to-lovers romantasy, the first in the Four Winds series (DRM EPUB)

The North Wind - Signed Edition (Paperback)

eBook: North Wind (DRM EPUB)

The West Wind (Hardcover)

The West Wind (Paperback)

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