eBook: Eight Pillars of Prosperity (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: James Allen 
分類: Autobiography: arts & entertainment ,
Autobiography: literary  
書城編號: 28437818

售價: $13.00

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製造商: Porirua Publishing
出版日期: 2024/07/17
ISBN: 9781991317230

James Allen's "The Eight Pillars of Prosperity" is a timeless classic that offers profound insights and practical wisdom on achieving lasting success and fulfillment. Building on the philosophical foundations laid in his previous works, Allen presents a comprehensive guide to the principles that underpin true prosperity, both materially and spiritually.In this inspirational book, Allen identifies and elaborates on eight essential pillars that form the foundation of a prosperous life: Energy, Economy, Integrity, System, Sympathy, Sincerity, Impartiality, and Self-reliance.1.-Energy: Allen emphasizes the importance of vitality and purposeful action in pursuing one's goals. He encourages readers to harness their inner strength and enthusiasm to drive their efforts and overcome obstacles.2-Economy: This pillar highlights the value of prudence and wise management of resources. Allen advocates for a balanced approach to wealth, where saving and spending are done thoughtfully and intentionally.3-Integrity: Allen underscores the critical role of honesty and moral uprightness in building a reputable and trustworthy character. He believes that true success is impossible without a foundation of integrity.4-System: Organization and efficiency are key to achieving lasting success. Allen advises readers to develop systematic approaches to their work and daily routines to maximize productivity and minimize waste.5-Sympathy: Compassion and empathy towards others foster harmonious relationships and a supportive community. Allen encourages readers to cultivate a genuine concern for the well-being of others.6-Sincerity: Authenticity and transparency in all dealings are essential for building trust and respect. Allen stresses the importance of being true to oneself and others.7-Impartiality: Fairness and justice should guide one's actions and decisions. Allen advocates for treating everyone with equal respect and consideration.8-Self-reliance: Confidence in one's abilities and the courage to act independently are crucial for personal growth and success. Allen encourages readers to trust in their own judgment and capabilities.
James Allen 作者作品表

As a Man Thinketh (French Edition) (Hardcover)

eBook: Los Caminos de la Felicidad (DRM EPUB)

From Poverty To Power (Paperback)

eBook: Eight Pillars of Prosperity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Como un Hombre Piensa (DRM EPUB)

The Selected Teachings of James Allen (Hardcover)

The Selected Teachings of James Allen Vol. II: Eight Pillars of Prosperity, Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success, the Shining Gateway, James All

The Shining Gateway (Hardcover)

The Shining Gateway (Paperback)

Out from the Heart (Hardcover)

Men and Systems (Paperback)

Out from the Heart (Paperback)

Men and Systems (Hardcover)

Poems of Peace: Including the Lyrical Dramatic Poem Eolaus (Paperback)

Poems of Peace: Including the Lyrical Dramatic Poem Eolaus (Hardcover)

Selected Teachings of James Allen: As a Man Thinketh, the Way of Peace, Above Life's Turmoil, Byways to Blessedness, and the Path of Prosperity. (Hard

Selected Teachings of James Allen: As a Man Thinketh, the Way of Peace, Above Life's Turmoil, Byways to Blessedness, and the Path of Prosperity. (Pape

Light on Life's Difficulties (Hardcover)

James Allen's Book of Meditations for Every Day in the Year (Paperback)

James Allen's Book of Meditations for Every Day in the Year (Hardcover)

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