Negotiating Legality: Chinese Companies in the US Legal System (Hardcover)
作者: Ji Li 
系列: Cambridge Studies in Law and Society
分類: Economics ,
Law & society ,
Laws of Specific jurisdictions ,
China ,
書城編號: 28460745

售價: $1330.00

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出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2024/06/27
頁數: 250
ISBN: 9781108845229
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This book is an interdisciplinary, mixed-method study of Chinese companies' interactions with the US legal system. Drawing from extensive interviews and survey data, it deepens our understanding of Chinese investment in the US, its impacts on the US legal profession, US law, and the broader US-China relations.
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Ji Li 作者作品表

eBook: Negotiating Legality: Chinese Companies in the US Legal System (DRM EPUB)

Negotiating Legality: Chinese Companies in the US Legal System (Hardcover)

At the Frontier of God's Empire: A Missionary Odyssey in Modern China (Compact Disc)

At the Frontier of God's Empire: A Missionary Odyssey in Modern China (MP3 CD)

At the Frontier of God's Empire: A Missionary Odyssey in Modern China (Hardcover)

eBook: At the Frontier of God's Empire: A Missionary Odyssey in Modern China (DRM EPUB)

eBook: At the Frontier of God's Empire: A Missionary Odyssey in Modern China (DRM PDF)

Clash of Capitalisms? (Paperback)

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eBook: God's Little Daughters: Catholic Women in Nineteenth-Century Manchuria (DRM EPUB)

eBook: God's Little Daughters: Catholic Women in Nineteenth-Century Manchuria (DRM PDF)

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