Instruments of Vengeance, Book 3: Volume 3 (Library Binding)
作者: Odunze Oguguo 
書城編號: 28461151

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Quarto Pub Group Usa
出版日期: 2025/01/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9780760394236


Sano and his friends are in the middle of a war zone!

With Sano still held hostage, the young sorcerers of Black Bottom must fight. Rebel ships attack from the sky, leaving desolation in their path. As a shocking battle ensues, Symon reveals a mysterious power as he recalls memories of the past.

Ridding Eden of the Infinite Night will require Sano to uncover the secrets behind his father's research on fully rejuvenating the effects of Black in bloodlines with the immense power known as Apple Black. Can Sano save the day--or will the calamity claim the lives of those closest to him?

Apple Black
Many years ago, humans acquired "Black" fruits from a tree that descended from the skies, turning humans into sorcerers. Although all of Black is now extinct, humans still have sorcery inherited from their ancestors. Blessed with the Arodihs arm by Merlin, the god of sorcery, Sano is raised and trained in isolation and secrecy to be the world's savior, known as the Trinity. As Sano embarks on his quest, the treachery, betrayal, and evil that have plagued nearly all of Eden again threaten the world. Experience Apple Black collected in library binding for the first time.

Odunze Oguguo 作者作品表

Instruments of Vengeance, Book 4: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Instruments of Vengeance, Book 3: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Instruments of Vengeance, Book 2: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Instruments of Vengeance, Book 1: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Sunny Eyes, Book 4: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Sunny Eyes, Book 3: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Sunny Eyes, Book 2: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Sunny Eyes, Book 1: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Neo Freedom, Book 4: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

Neo Freedom, Book 3: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

Neo Freedom, Book 2: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

Neo Freedom, Book 1: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

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