The Jungle Kingdom, Book 1: Volume 3 (Library Binding)
作者: Jey Odin 
書城編號: 28461153

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Quarto Pub Group Usa
出版日期: 2025/01/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9780760394250


Our hero Stud has teleported to the Jungle Kingdom.

Stud wants to focus on getting home, but after his bag and the Kingdom Maps are stolen, he fears he'll be lost forever. Realizing he can't get them back by himself, he enlists help from Brymm, a familiar ally with mysterious powers, who has a strange request--she needs help saving her kingdom in the future.

Brutus Elephant

Jey Odin 作者作品表

The Jungle Kingdom, Book 4: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

The Jungle Kingdom, Book 3: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

The Jungle Kingdom, Book 2: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

The Jungle Kingdom, Book 1: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Fight for the Ocean Kingdom, Book 4: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Fight for the Ocean Kingdom, Book 3: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Fight for the Ocean Kingdom, Book 2: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Fight for the Ocean Kingdom, Book 1: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

The Ocean Kingdom, Book 1: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

The Ocean Kingdom, Book 4: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

The Ocean Kingdom, Book 3: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

The Ocean Kingdom, Book 2: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

Hammer, Volume 4: Stud vs. the Jungle King (Paperback)

Hammer, Volume 3: The Jungle Kingdom (Paperback)

Hammer, Volume 2: Fight for the Ocean Kingdom (Paperback)

Hammer, Volume 1: The Ocean Kingdom (Paperback)

Phobia (Paperback)

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