Everyone loves stories of cryptids.
These mysterious creatures have been hiding--some of them for centuries--from the seeking eyes and minds of top scientists, cryptozoologists, and everyday folks. And along the way, some surprises have come about.
Hoaxes have been exposed, such as the Fiji mermaids, really only man-made statues of monkey heads and fish tails. Mysteries have been solved, such as the "extinct" prehistoric fish, the coelacanth, living in the deep oceans near Africa. But most cryptids remain hidden.
Learn more about Mokele-mbembe (Africa), Kongamato, Shunka Warak'in, Mapinguari (South America), Megalodon, Chupacabra, and Mothman from both cryptozoologists and experts who strongly believe they do not exist.
In the dark forests, high mountains, and murky waters around the world, could there a Bigfoot, a Yeti, or a Loch Ness Monster?