Working with Parents in Child Psychotherapy (Paperback)
作者: Elisa Bronfman, Johanna D. Sagarin 
分類: Social work ,
Family psychology ,
書城編號: 28465691

售價: $616.00

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出版社: Guilford Publications
出版日期: 2024/12/25 (快將出版)
頁數: 328
尺寸: 254 x 178 mm
ISBN: 9781462554478

Grounded in decades of clinical experience, this empathic, practical book presents a research-informed framework for delivering parent guidance as a stand-alone intervention or adjunct to child therapy. Elisa Bronfman and Johanna D. Sagarin delineate flexible coaching strategies to enhance family relationships and parenting skills and find new solutions to struggles around discipline, homework, bedtime, meals, screen time, and other daily routines. The approach can be tailored for parents dealing with any child mental health concern or behavioral challenge. Assessment, treatment planning, clinical decision making, and progress monitoring are all discussed in step-by-step detail. Packed with illustrative case material, the book features 34 reproducible clinical tools that can be photocopied or downloaded.

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