Twice Upon a Time - Signed Edition (Paperback)
作者: Michelle Harrison 
書城編號: 28470117

原價: HK$182.00
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出版社: Simon & Schuster Ltd
出版日期: 2024/04/11
頁數: 336
尺寸: 145 x 224 x 29 mm
重量: 410 grams
ISBN: 9781472635587

When the Morrow twins, Merry and Spike, arrive at dusty old Fox House, they think spending their holidays there is going to be dull. But they soon discover that there are secrets to the old house. A missing woman, a baby left on the doorstep, a locked study . . . As the mysteries pile up, the girls begin to investigate, using their own secret to help them: they can stop time!What happened in this old house? And can their strange powers help them solve a decades-old crime?
Michelle Harrison 作者作品表

When She Came Back (Paperback)

Twice Upon a Time (Paperback)

Twice Upon a Time - Signed Edition (Paperback)

eBook: Twice Upon a Time (DRM EPUB)

Miyah's Adventures in Headstart: Miyah's First Day In Headstart (Paperback)

A Tangle of Spells (Paperback)

Midnight Magic: Witch Trap (Paperback)

eBook: Tangle of Spells (DRM EPUB)

A Tangle of Spells (Hardcover)

eBook: Storm of Sisters: Bring the magic home with the Pinch of Magic Adventures (DRM EPUB)

A Storm of Sisters (Paperback)

eBook: Egy leheletnyi boszorkanysag (DRM EPUB)

Midnight Magic: Mirror Mischief (Paperback)

eBook: Tangle of Spells: Bring the magic home with the bestselling Pinch of Magic Adventures (DRM EPUB)

A Tangle of Spells : Bring the magic home with the bestselling Pinch of Magic Adventures (Paperback)

eBook: Egy csipetnyi magia (DRM EPUB)

Midnight Magic : 1 (Paperback)

A Pinch of Magic (hardcover)

eBook: Pinch of Magic (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sprinkle of Sorcery (DRM EPUB)

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