eBook: Strangers: Five Extraordinary Black Men and the Worlds That Made Them (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ekow Eshun 
分類: Memoirs ,
20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 ,
Social & cultural history ,
Black & Asian studies  
書城編號: 28470959

售價: $260.00

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製造商: Penguin Books Ltd
出版日期: 2024/09/19
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9780241990704
>> 相關實體書

Richly imaginative and powerfully empathetic, an intimate portrait of five remarkable Black men, and a meditation on race, estrangement and the search for home.'Thrilling and ingenious, propulsive and genre-defying: The Strangers is an outstanding book' Bernardine Evaristo'Luminous and extraordinary... This book will be referenced for years to come' Lemn SissayIn the western imagination, a Black man is always a stranger. Outsider, foreigner, intruder, alien. One who remains associated with their origins irrespective of how far they have travelled from them. One who is not an individual in their own right but the representative of a type.What kind of performance is required for a person to survive this condition? And what happens beneath the mask?In answer, Ekow Eshun conjures the voices of five very different men. Ira Aldridge: nineteenth century actor and playwright. Matthew Henson: polar explorer. Frantz Fanon: psychiatrist and political philosopher. Malcolm X: activist leader. Justin Fashanu: million-pound footballer. Each a trailblazer in his field. Each haunted by a sense of isolation and exile. Each reaching for a better future.Ekow Eshun tells their stories with breathtaking lyricism and empathy, capturing both the hostility and the beauty they experienced in the world. And he locates them within a wider landscape of Black art, culture, history and politics which stretches from Africa to Europe to North America and the Caribbean. As he moves through this landscape, he maps its thematic contours and fault lines, uncovering traces of the monstrous and the fantastic, of exile and escape, of conflict and vulnerability, and of the totemic central figure of the stranger.
Ekow Eshun 作者作品表

The Strangers: Five Extraordinary Black Men and the Worlds That Made Them (Hardcover)

eBook: Strangers: Five Extraordinary Black Men and the Worlds That Made Them (DRM EPUB)

The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure (Hardcover)

Africa State of Mind: Contemporary Photography Reimagines a Continent (Paperback)

In the Black Fantastic (Hardcover)

eBook: In the Black Fantastic (DRM EPUB)

Africa State of Mind (Hardcover)

eBook: Black Gold of the Sun (DRM EPUB)

Wangechi Mutu: Yo.N.L (Hardcover)

Black Gold of the Sun: Searching for Home in England and Africa (Paperback)

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