eBook: Little Hackers (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Julie Darling, D. J. Cools 
分類: Pre-school & kindergarten ,
Teacher training ,
Teaching of a specific subject ,
Teachers' classroom resources & material ,
Educational material  
書城編號: 28471639

售價: $169.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/09/30
頁數: 37
ISBN: 9781040100141
>> 相關實體書

When Grandpa's computer falls victim to malware, it's up to Zuri to save the day! Using an engaging story with beautiful illustrations, this picture book makes it easy to introduce your child or student to basic computer science concepts and vocabulary. While being entertained, children will learn the difference between black, white, and gray hat hackers, how to identify malware, how to create secure passwords, and more!Embark on a delightful exploration of computer science and ethical hacking concepts through the eyes of a precocious young child!Consider the companion guidebook Supporting the Development of Computer Science Concepts in Early Childhood to help dig even deeper, engender excitement, and provide a solid understanding of computer science that sets your learner up for success!For effective use, this book should be purchased alongside the guidebook. The guidebook, Little Hackers, and an additional storybook, Little Computer Scientists, can be purchased together as a set, Developing Computer Science Concepts in Early Childhood [978-1-032-47108-2].
Julie Darling 作者作品表

Developing Computer Science Concepts in Early Childhood (Multiple-component retail product)

eBook: Social-Emotional Learning Using Makerspaces and Passion Projects: Step-by-Step Projects and Resources for Grades 3-6 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social-Emotional Learning Using Makerspaces and Passion Projects: Step-by-Step Projects and Resources for Grades 3-6 (DRM EPUB)

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