eBook: Jungian Counseling and Play Therapy: Classical Theory for the Digital Age (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Rachel McRoberts 
分類: Counselling & advice services ,
Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology) ,
Analytical & Jungian psychology ,
Family psychology ,
Psychotherapy ,
Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama)  
書城編號: 28471660

售價: $507.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/09/12
頁數: 280
ISBN: 9781040103470
>> 相關實體書

Jungian Counseling and Play Therapy is both an introduction to Jung's theory and a practical guide to Jungian-informed practice.Readers journey through the development of the mental health crisis of the digital age (which Jung foresaw) and are presented with solutions he suggested that are still being met with resistance, despite compelling facts. This book not only advocates for a more widespread integration of Jungian ideas into clinical practice, but also for greater acknowledgement of the integrity, creativity, and intersecting identities of clients, professional counselors, and play therapists. Integrating historical theory with contemporary research, this book helps students to weave creative techniques into their online and in-person clinical work.This is an ideal text for a psychodynamic theory or methods class, or to support counseling students and supervisors becoming interested in, or familiar with, the work of Carl Jung.
Rachel McRoberts 作者作品表

eBook: Jungian Counseling and Play Therapy: Classical Theory for the Digital Age (DRM PDF)

eBook: Jungian Counseling and Play Therapy: Classical Theory for the Digital Age (DRM EPUB)

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