eBook: Islamic Economic System: Cultural Context in a Global Economy (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Muhammad Awais, Ali Osman Ozturk, Omar Khalid Bhatti, Nazima Ellahi 
系列: Islamic Business and Finance Series
分類: Regional studies ,
Economic theory & philosophy ,
Macroeconomics ,
Finance & accounting ,
Sales & marketing management ,
Sales & marketing  
書城編號: 28471759

售價: $520.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/08/26
頁數: 190
ISBN: 9781040111642
>> 相關實體書

Islamic Economics refers to financial aspects or monetary activities and processes, which adhere to Islamic standards and teachings. The Islamic Economic System relates to the hypothetical development of an economy whose individuals follow the Islamic faith. This book presents an interesting and timely narrative of the concepts of Islamic economics in the context of Islamic culture. Its purpose is to guide individuals and organizations towards a Shariah-based Islamic Economic System.It begins by introducing the Islamic Economic System; its historical origins are explained in the framework of the verses of the Holy Quran, and in light of the Shariah scholars and the philosophical thinkers of the mid-20th century. It discusses concepts such as the evolution of Islamic Fintech and Artificial Intelligence (AI); the relationship between Islamic corporate governance and Islamic Economics; the distribution of wealth in Islam; Islamic Social Finance; Islamic Economic practices in the banking industry, behavioural norms and moral foundations; and Islamic Economics in Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and non-OIC countries. The author emphasizes the principles that set Islamic economics apart from traditional systems, grounded in Shariah evidence and highlights the role of Islamic principles in promoting overall business success and ethical practices in the banking industry, offering comparative analysis between Islamic and conventional models, as well as economic systems. Drawing on a rich array of sources, including the Quran and interviews with renowned religious scholars, the book provides a well-rounded and thoroughly researched argument.This book will serve as a valuable resource for academics, scholars, researchers, and organizations seeking to navigate the complexities of an interest-free economic system guided by Islamic principles.
Islamic Business and Finance Series

Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: Balancing Spirituality, Values and Profit (Hardcover)

Islamic Economics and Financial Crisis (Hardcover)

Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: The Water, Food, Energy, and Climate Nexus (Hardcover)

The Future of Islamic Banking and Finance in Indonesia: Performance, Risk and Regulation (Paperback)

Shariah Governance in Islamic Banking Institutions (Paperback)

The Islamic Finance Industry: Issues and Challenges (Paperback)

Waqf in Islamic Economics and Finance: An Instrument for Socioeconomic Welfare (Hardcover)

Islamic Financial Institutions: An Introduction (Hardcover)

Islamic Finance, Governance and Regulation: Global Perspectives (Hardcover)

eBook: Islamic Economic System: Cultural Context in a Global Economy (DRM EPUB)

The Islamic Economic System: Cultural Context in a Global Economy (Hardcover)

eBook: Islamic Economic System: Cultural Context in a Global Economy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Islamic Finance in the Modern Era: Digitalization, FinTech and Social Finance (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Islamic Finance in the Modern Era: Digitalization, FinTech and Social Finance (DRM PDF)

Islamic Finance in the Financial Markets of Europe, Asia and America (Paperback)

eBook: Islamic Sustainable Finance: Policy, Risk and Regulation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Islamic Sustainable Finance: Policy, Risk and Regulation (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: A Global Framework for Achieving Sustainable Impact Finance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: A Global Framework for Achieving Sustainable Impact Finance (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Law of Riba in Islamic Banking: Conventional and Unconventional Approaches to Interest-Free Financing (DRM EPUB)

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