eBook: Nursing, COVID and the End of Resilience: A Critical Approach (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Michael Traynor 
分類: Psychotherapy ,
Trauma & shock ,
Nursing fundamentals & skills ,
Nursing research & theory ,
Nursing management & leadership  
書城編號: 28471912

售價: $481.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/09/09
頁數: 120
ISBN: 9781040127476
>> 相關實體書

This book looks at the way in which resilience has been promoted as a resource for nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic and addresses its limitations as a response to the potential trauma of working in intense healthcare contexts. Traynor examines the nature of trauma and moral distress in nursing work, which predates the most recent pandemic that brought it into sharp relief, and links this to discussions of resilience in nursing. He examines differing understandings of trauma, identifying and detailing approaches to dealing with it and its aftereffects.In a wide-ranging book that draws together critiques of the happiness industry and PPE scandals, this book lays bare government and managerial reactions to the pandemic, alongside individual, sometimes harrowing, accounts. Its author sets out the impact of working during COVID-19 on the profession and its members in terms of support, solidarity and fragmentation.Drawing on a critical analysis of responses to the pandemic from the government, regulatory bodies, the NHS, and the media, along with primary research with nurses and others who have worked through the pandemic, this book is a vital contribution for all those interested in resilience, trauma, well-being and workforce development in nursing.
Michael Traynor 作者作品表

Nursing, COVID and the End of Resilience: A Critical Approach (Paperback)

Nursing, COVID and the End of Resilience: A Critical Approach (Hardcover)

eBook: Nursing, COVID and the End of Resilience: A Critical Approach (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nursing, COVID and the End of Resilience: A Critical Approach (DRM PDF)

Petticoat Pilots: Biographies and Achievements of Irish Female Aviators, 1909-1939 (Hardcover)

Petticoat Pilots: Biographies and Achievements of Irish Female Aviators, 1909-1939 (Hardcover)

Stories of Resilience in Nursing (Paperback)

eBook: Stories of Resilience in Nursing: Tales from the Frontline of Nursing (DRM PDF)

eBook: Stories of Resilience in Nursing: Tales from the Frontline of Nursing (DRM EPUB)

Nursing in Context (Paperback)

eBook: Critical Resilience for Nurses: An Evidence-Based Guide to Survival and Change in the Modern NHS (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Critical Resilience for Nurses: An Evidence-Based Guide to Survival and Change in the Modern NHS (DRM PDF)

Critical Resilience for Nurses (Paperback)

eBook: Nursing in Context: Policy, Politics, Profession (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nursing in Context: Policy, Politics, Profession (DRM PDF)

eBook: Managerialism and Nursing: Beyond Oppression and Profession (DRM PDF)

eBook: Managerialism and Nursing: Beyond Oppression and Profession (DRM EPUB)

Advances in Laparoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery, An I (Hardcover)

eBook: Managerialism and Nursing: Beyond Oppression and Profession (DRM PDF)

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