eBook: European Peripheries in the Postcolonial Literary Imagination (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Janine Hauthal, Anna-Leena Toivanen 
分類: Literary studies: post-colonial literature ,
Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers ,
書城編號: 28472003

售價: $650.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/10/18
頁數: 154
ISBN: 9781040152157
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This book explores the meanings of European peripheries in postcolonial literary imagination. While colonial discourses have constructed Europe as the centre, the continent is internally divided into centres and peripheries. Approaching the question of European peripherality in a variety of geographical and linguistic contexts and across national and diasporic literary traditions of postcolonial writing, the contributions in this volume attest to the entangled and relational character of the centre/periphery nexus. Acknowledging the unbalanced power structures between centres and peripheries, the volume sets out to challenge conventional ideas about peripheries and places European peripheral loci at the centre of postcolonial literary inquiry.The chapters in the volume draw on diverse theoretical and conceptual frameworks in order to address, among others, the link between peripherality and provincialism, the relations between intra-European and colonial peripheries, and the progressive potential of European peripheries as postcolonial spaces.The chapters in this book were originally published in the Journal of Postcolonial Writing.

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