In this steampunk sequel to The Doomsday Vault, a pair of adventurers confront technological terrors as they race for their lives from Britain to China. Gavin Ennock once sailed the skies on airships and delighted audiences with his fiddle music. Now a victim of the Clockwork Plague, he is consumed by both madness and brilliance. To save her fiancé’s life, Alice Michaels breaks into the Doomsday Vault to recover a cure, only to incur the wrath of the British Empire and make them both enemies of the Crown. Their only remaining option for a cure now lies across the globe in China. Soon they are up in the clouds with the mad genius Dr. Clef, on the run from an underground police force. But Clef has a plan of his own involving the most destructive force the world has ever seen: the Impossible Cube. With dangerous foes at their heels and trouble brewing aboard their ship, Alice and Gavin must keep their wits about them if they hope to survive . . . “A fast-paced, imaginative story. . . . Exciting chases and nail-biting close calls.” —That’s What I’m Talking About “An exciting adventure thriller that starts off with action and never slows down.” —Genre Go Round Reviews