Hearts in My Pocket (Hardcover)
作者: Nancy Tupper Ling 
書城編號: 28488200

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Union Square & Co
出版日期: 2024/12/10
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9781454949749

For fans of The Invisible String, here is an uplifting and lyrical story about a young girl who learns to navigate her family's divorce.

Leilah misses the time when her mom and dad were together. Ever since they divorced, her world and her heart feel split in two. She explores the city with Dad and walks Pepper at the park with Mom. She and Dad watch fireworks on the balcony, and Mom helps her make snowmen in the front yard. As Leilah moves back and forth between her two worlds, she wonders if her heart will ever feel whole again. Everything is just so different. Until one day she realizes that love is all around her, and the love her parents share for her will always stay the same.

Nancy Tupper Ling 作者作品表

Hearts in My Pocket (Hardcover)

Double Happiness (Hardcover)

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