33 Ways 7 Faiths Agree with the Quakers (Paperback)
作者: Thomas Wolfe 
書城編號: 28488328

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781736522691


The United States of American began in Philadelphia 1776 out of the "Holy Experiment" of the Quakers

Britannica says;

Society of Friends, Christian group that arose in mid-17th-century England, dedicated to living in accordance with the "Inner Light," or direct inward apprehension of God, without creeds, clergy, or other ecclesiastical forms. As most powerfully expressed by George Fox (1624-91), Friends felt that their "experimental" discovery of God would lead to the purification of all of Christendom. It did not. But Friends founded one American colony and were dominant for a time in several others, and, though their numbers are now comparatively small, they have made disproportionate contributions to science, industry, and especially to the Christian effort for social reform.

From the website "Britannica"

Tom Wolfe's (Author of this book) notes: "Britannica" may say the Society of Friends did not "purify Christianity". However each heart that has experimental discovery of God speaks for itself. "33 Ways 7 Faiths Agree with the Quakers" shows God's faithful consistency over thousands of years showing 33 common Principles of 8 of the world's Faiths that learn us how to as we Quakers say: "Let Our Lives Speak"

Thomas Wolfe 作者作品表

Look Homeward, Angel: A Story of the Buried Life (Paperback)

Of Time and the River (Paperback)

33 Ways 7 Faiths Agree with the Quakers (Paperback)

eBook: El nino perdido (DRM EPUB)

Thomas Wolfe: The Complete Works (Paperback)

Thomas Wolfe: The Complete Works (Hardcover)

Thomas Wolfe: The Complete Works (Hardcover)

eBook: Thomas Wolfe: The Complete Works (DRM EPUB)

Thomas Wolfe: The Complete Works (Paperback)

Thomas Wolfe: The Complete Works (Hardcover)

Thomas Wolfe: The Complete Works (Paperback)

The Thomas Wolfe Reader (Paperback)

Of Time and the River: A Legend of Man's Hunger in His Youth (Paperback)

eBook: Delphi Complete Works of Thomas Wolfe (Illustrated) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Thomas Wolfe - Gesammelte Werke (DRM EPUB)

eBook: You Can't Go Home Again (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Of Time and the River (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Schau heimwarts, Engel! (German) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Vom Tod zum Morgen (German) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: OF TIME AND THE RIVER: A Legend of Man's Hunger in His Youth (DRM EPUB)

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