Leather and Lillies (Paperback)
作者: Amie Taylor 
書城編號: 28497458

售價: $90.00

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出版社: Draft2digital
出版日期: 2024/07/06
重量: 0.17 kg
ISBN: 9798227694294


In a world of leather, drugs, Lilies, and debauchery, Leather and Lilies paints a gripping and harrowing portrait of love, lust, and the brutal complexities of human connection. Fueled by a raw and searing intensity, this dark romance delves into the depths of a tortured soul and the unyielding power of love's grip. Nick, the rebellious drummer of a rock band, has always been a free spirit, avoiding commitment and emotional entanglements. However, when his former flame, Bailey, reenters his life, he is forced to confront his deep-seated feelings for her. Feelings that go beyond mere physical attraction. Struggling to come to terms with his emotions, he realizes that Bailey still harbors resentment towards him for abandoning her in the past. As their tumultuous journey unfolds, Nick and Bailey discover that their destinies are intertwined unexpectedly. Bailey is coerced into a dangerous situation by a vengeful ex-groupie, threatening both their lives. When Bailey is viciously attacked, Nick is faced with a stark realization of his love for her and the fear of losing her forever.

Amie Taylor 作者作品表

Leather and Lillies (Paperback)

The Lotus's Flame (Paperback)

The Mortal Brides of the Djinn King and Prince (Paperback)

It All Ends with a Seed (Paperback)

eBook: Leather and Lillies: Inflamed Flowers, #2 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Lotus's Flame (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mortal Brides of the Djinn King and Prince (DRM EPUB)

eBook: It All Ends with a Seed (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Azalea and Amaretto (DRM EPUB)

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