eBook: Journey of Why: Book I - Foundations (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Christophor Rick 
書城編號: 28500161

售價: $52.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Distributed via Smashwords
ISBN: 9781456498924

For generations, the Product has been dug out of the ground, packed up and placed in Storage Wagons, to be carried away by the Locomotor. The asking of questions gets one 'disappeared' often, never to be seen again. But with so many questions needing to be asked how could one not?Myranda, 12-year-old troublemaker, finally asks one too many questions and gets sent to Administration. This is the first step in a journey that will unravel the fabric of her world. What is the Product? Where does the Trainway take it and most importantly, Why?
Christophor Rick 作者作品表

Ziggurat of the Megaton Maiden: An Atomic-powered Adventure (Paperback)

eBook: Journey of Why: Book I - Foundations (DRM EPUB)

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