Sayonara Magic: Wizards in School Volume 1 (Hardcover)
作者: Mora 
書城編號: 28507854

原價: HK$220.00
現售: HK$209 節省: HK$11

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出版社: Andrews & Mcmeel
出版日期: 2024/09/10
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781524886776

The Tanaka triplets can do magic. The only catch? Their powers must be kept secret. So, obviously, they would never, ever do anything to threaten that . . . right?! This is an illustrated book that combines manga with text.

Triplets Hiro, Akira, and Naoki Tanaka love their school and classmates, but they have one big secret they're keeping. They can do magic! They learn from their father, and they have one major rule: No magic without permission, no exceptions. Otherwise, they'll have to leave their normal school with all their friends to study how to do magic "the right way."

But sometimes magic feels like the only way to solve a problem! And when they get themselves into all sorts of trouble, it's up to the siblings to fix the spells and clean up any magical messes before their parents or a nosy classmate can catch wind of it. This is the first book in a new series that's about fitting in, finding yourself, and problem-solving.

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