Knowledge as Commons: Toward Inclusive Science and Technology (Hardcover)
作者: Prabir Purkayastha 
分類: Political science & theory ,
Central government policies ,
Science funding & policy  
書城編號: 28508123

原價: HK$1120.00
現售: HK$1064 節省: HK$56

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出版社: Monthly Review Pr
出版日期: 2024/09/01
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781685900717


A powerful contribution to the debate on intellectual property

Knowledge as Commons
traces the historical path towards the privatization of knowledge, situating science, technology and the emergence of modern nations in a larger historical framework. Author Prabir Purkayastha asks: Do the needs of society drive science and technology? Or do developments in science and technology provide the motor force of history? Has this relationship changed over time? Purkayastha shows us that, with profit as its sole aim, capital claims to own human knowledge and its products, fencing them in with patents and intellectual property rights. Neoliberal institutions and policy diktats from the West have installed a global system in which knowledge, that limitless resource, is made artificially scarce--while limited resources such as water and clean air are treated as though they were infinite.

Arguing that rapid technological change, from pharmaceuticals to electronics, should be an opportunity to deliver quicker cures, affordable access, and global cooperation in the production of knowledge, Purkayastha examines the consequences of this privatization for universities, healthcare, distributive justice, the domestic politics of developing countries, and their prospects vis-

Prabir Purkayastha 作者作品表

Keeping Up the Good Fight: From the Emergency to the Present Day (Hardcover)

Keeping Up the Good Fight: From the Emergency to the Present Day (Paperback)

eBook: Keeping Up the Good Fight: From the Emergency to the Present Day (DRM EPUB)

Knowledge as Commons: Toward Inclusive Science and Technology (Hardcover)

eBook: Knowledge as Commons: Toward Inclusive Science and Technology (DRM EPUB)

Keeping Up the Good Fight: From the Emergency to the Present Day (Paperback)

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