Freedom's Mirage: Virgil Bennehan's Odyssey from Emancipation to Exile (Hardcover)
作者: Sydney Nathans 
書城編號: 28518087

售價: $990.00

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出版社: Univ Of North Carolina Pr
出版日期: 2024/11/12
重量: 0.49 kg
ISBN: 9781469682648

Freedom's Mirage traces the exceptional life of Virgil Bennehan, born in bondage in 1808 in Piedmont North Carolina, who rose to become an enslaved doctor on one of the South's largest plantations and to view himself as a friend to Black and white people alike. Emancipated in 1848 but required to leave the state to be free, he was sent to Liberia. Though richly endowed and royally welcomed, he found himself subject to new rulers and mired in the worst medical catastrophe in Liberian history. Recrossing the Atlantic, he boldly returned to North Carolina to warn slave owners that Liberia was a death trap. Yet again exiled from his native state, he declared in March 1849 his intention to go to gold rush California, the one place at midcentury that seemed to offer an open field, even to a man of color.

Intrepidly researched and grippingly told, Virgil Bennehan's story reveals the complexity and fragility of human relationships within bondage. Once liberated, Bennehan led a tumultuous life that dramatized the fleeting promise and pervasive limits of Black freedom in the era of slavery--and foreshadowed the future for generations that followed.
Sydney Nathans 作者作品表

Freedom's Mirage: Virgil Bennehan's Odyssey from Emancipation to Exile (Hardcover)

Freedom's Mirage: Virgil Bennehan's Odyssey from Emancipation to Exile (Paperback)

To Free a Family: The Journey of Mary Walker (Hardcover)

eBook: Daniel Webster and Jacksonian Democracy (DRM EPUB)

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