A Certain Idea of America: Selected Writings (Hardcover)
作者: Peggy Noonan 
分類: Politics & government  
書城編號: 28520735

原價: HK$310.00
現售: HK$294.5 節省: HK$15.5

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出版社: Penguin Putnam Inc
出版日期: 2024/11/12
頁數: 240
尺寸: 229 x 152 mm
重量: 0.54 kg
ISBN: 9780593854778

From Pulitzer-prize winning Wall Street Journal columnist and New York Times bestselling author Peggy Noonan, a masterclass in how to see and love America.

For a quarter century, Peggy Noonan has been thinking aloud about America in her much-loved Wall Street Journal column. In this new collection of her essential recent work, Noonan demonstrates the erudition, wisdom and humor that have made her one of America's most admired writers.

She calls balls and strikes on the political shenanigans of recent leaders and she honors the integrity of great Americans, ranging from Billy Graham to the heroes of 9/11. A thinker who never allows her tenderness to slip into sentimentality, she writes with clear-eyed urgency about the internal and external dangers facing our republic. She sometimes writes with indignation, but above all she writes with love-- and an enduring faith that America can be its best self, that its ideals are worth protecting, and that beauty and heroism can be found in our neighbors, in our history, and in ourselves. This book is a celebration of what America has been, is, and can be.

Peggy Noonan 作者作品表

A Certain Idea of America: Selected Writings (Hardcover)

Time Of Our Lives (Hardcover)

The Time of Our Lives: Collected Writings (paperback)

The Time of Our Lives: Collected Writings (Library) (paperback)

The Time of Our Lives: Collected Writings (hardcover)

The Time of Our Lives: Collected Writings (paperback)

The Time of Our Lives: Collected Writings (hardcover)

eBook: Case Against Hillary Clinton (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Patriotic Grace: What It Is and Why We Need It Now (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Patriotic Grace (mp3 zips)

John Paul the Great (B-Trade Pbk)

John Paul the Great 12-copy solid Floor Display (S-FL Dis S w/Ri)

John Paul the Great (A-CD Unabridged)

When Character Was King (B-Trade Pbk)

When Character Was King 12-copy Prepack (S-Prepack)

When Character Was King 12-copy Floor Display (S-Fl Disp Sgl)

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