The President's Shadow: A Shadow Thriller ((Large Print)) (Paperback)
作者: James Patterson 
書城編號: 28525967

原價: HK$220.00
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出版社: Little Brown & Co
出版日期: 2025/07/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9780316584647


The Shadow is back and saving the president--and the world--from inconceivable disaster.

Lamont Cranston, aka The Shadow, has never been prouder of Maddy Cranston, who's graduating college and starting an internship at a New York City public defender's office.

But she still has a lot to learn. Especially about her undeveloped powers of shape-shifting and mind-control inherited from her mentor, Lamont.
The two crime-fighters might look like father and daughter (or rather, great-great- granddaughter), though it's their mental powers that unites them.

With Lamont investigating multiple deadly assaults on the world--the geological super-weapon "Terrageddon" and the deadly virus "Newbola"--Maddy goes undercover to investigate a trafficking ring ensnaring people her age, until an errant attack exposes her vulnerability ... and unlocks her confidence.

Only if Maddy and the Shadow can combine forces can they erase the threat of The President's Shadow.

James Patterson 作者作品表

Triple Threat (Hardcover)

Revenge (Paperback)

Night Sniper (Paperback)

Scott Free (Paperback)

Stealing Gulfstreams (Paperback)

Diary of a Succubus (Paperback)

The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe: A True Crime Thriller (Paperback)

Walk in My Classroom (Hardcover)

Walk in My Classroom ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Blackball (Hardcover)

The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe (Hardcover)

The House of Cross: (Alex Cross 32) (Paperback)

Never Say Die: A Jane Smith Thriller (Hardcover)

The House of Cross: (Alex Cross 32) (Paperback)

Emma on Fire (Paperback)

The President's Shadow: A Shadow Thriller (Paperback)

The President's Shadow: A Shadow Thriller ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

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