Creepy-Crawly Crafts (Library Binding)
作者: Annalees Lim 
書城編號: 28526192

售價: $283.00

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出版社: Gareth Stevens Inc
出版日期: 2024/07/30
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781538294420

There's nothing more fun than looking for creepy-crawly creatures! From dragonflies to spiders to bees to snails and more, kids learn all about Earth's smallest animals and how they live in this informative and fun book! Each animal is spotlighted in a hands-on craft activity. Readers will discover how to turn an egg carton into a ladybug or a fork into a praying mantis. Meanwhile, they'll read fascinating facts about the animals they're creating. Interweaving art and science, this book offers a uniquely engaging educational experience.
Annalees Lim 作者作品表

Wild Animal Crafts (Library Binding)

Pet Crafts (Library Binding)

Wild Animal Crafts (Paperback)

African Animal Crafts (Library Binding)

Farm Animal Crafts (Library Binding)

Creepy-Crawly Crafts (Library Binding)

Ocean Animal Crafts (Library Binding)

African Animal Crafts (Paperback)

Farm Animal Crafts (Paperback)

Creepy-Crawly Crafts (Paperback)

Ocean Animal Crafts (Paperback)

Pet Crafts (Paperback)

Animal Arts and Crafts: Wild Animals (Hardcover)

Animal Arts and Crafts: Pets (Hardcover)

Animal Arts and Crafts: Farm Animals (Hardcover)

Animal Arts and Crafts: African Animals (Hardcover)

Animal Arts and Crafts: Ocean Animals (Hardcover)

Animal Arts and Crafts: Minibeasts (Hardcover)

eBook: Christmas Crafts (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Really Cool Craft Book: More Than 50 Fantastic Projects (DRM EPUB)

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