B Is for Brooklyn (hardcover)
作者: Selina Alko 
分類: Early learning: ABC books / alphabet books  
書城編號: 285282

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Henry Holt & Company
出版日期: 2012/08/21
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9780805092134


What do Prospect Park, Coney Island, and Atlantic Avenue have in common? They are all located in Brooklyn, New York, a magical place where you can listen to jazz music, eat bagels and lox, and sit on the stoop of a brownstone and daydream. Children will recognize aspects of their own neighborhoods in this celebration of urban culture and community.

Selina Alko 作者作品表

Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama (Paperback)

One Golden Rule at School: A Counting Book (Paperback)

One Golden Rule at School: A Counting Book (hardcover)

Joni: The Lyrical Life of Joni Mitchell (Hardcover)

Daddy Christmas & Hanukkah Mama (hardcover)

B Is for Brooklyn (hardcover)

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