Little Fairy Can't Sleep (hardcover)
作者: Daniela Drescher 
書城編號: 285357

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Floris Books
出版日期: 2011/09/15
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9780863158254


Faith, the little fairy, can't get to sleep. It's a lovely summer's night and magic is in the air, so she flies off to see who else is still awake.

Faith meets a mother fox and her young cubs, who can't get to sleep, an elf father whose children can't get to sleep, and the sandman who is filling sacks with magic dust to help children everywhere get to sleep. Finally the little fairy meets a moth-fairy prince who takes her to the source of the night's magic - a wonderful Midsummer Night's party - where she dances until she is so tired that she finally falls asleep.

This magical, dreamlike tale makes perfect bedtime reading.

Daniela Drescher 作者作品表

What's Hiding Under There? (3 Revised edition) (Board book)

Merlina and the Magical Mishap (Revised) (Hardcover)

eBook: Giesbert und die Gackerhuhner (DRM EPUB)

In the Land of Elves (3 Revised edition) (Hardcover)

In the Land of Mermaids (2 Revised edition) (Hardcover)

eBook: Giesbert und der Gluckerbach (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Giesbert hort das Gras wachsen (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Giesbert in der Regentonne (DRM EPUB)

Garden Adventures of Griswald the Gnome (Hardcover)

Goodnight Sandman (Hardcover)

Pippa and Pelle in the Spring Garden (Hardcover)

Pippa and Pelle in the Autumn Wind (Hardcover)

Pippa and Pelle in the Summer Sun (Hardcover)

In the Land of Elves (Hardcover)

Little Fairy Makes a Wish (Hardcover)

What's Hiding in There (Paperback)

Pippa and Pelle in the Winter Snow (Hardcover)

Pippa and Pelle (Hardcover)

Little Fairy Can't Sleep (hardcover)

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