Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Player Core 2 Pocket Edition (P2) (Paperback)
作者: Logan Bonner, Mark Seifter 
分類: Role-playing, war games & fantasy sports  
書城編號: 28537237

原價: HK$300.00
現售: HK$285 節省: HK$15

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出版社: Paizo Publishing, LLC
出版日期: 2024/11/05
頁數: 320
尺寸: 203 x 178 x 25 mm
重量: 680 grams
ISBN: 9781640786226

Survival in a world beset by magic and evil takes more than a lucky roll of the dice. Pathfinder Player Core 2 significantly expands options available to Pathfinder players, giving them the edge to take on any adventure. This 320-page hardcover rulebook remasters 8 classes from Pathfinder Second Edition, providing everything you need to create a wide array of new characters, ready to take on the world. It also includes more than 40 archetypes, expanded ancestries, and tons of feats, spells, and alchemical items to provide a near-endless array of exciting options for every Pathfinder character!

Pathfinder Player Core 2 is the fourth core rulebook for the fully remastered Pathfinder Second Edition RPG! These rules are compatible with previous Pathfinder Second Edition rulebooks, incorporating comprehensive errata and rules updates and some of the best additions from later books into new, easier-to-access volumes with new presentations inspired by years of player feedback. Along with the Player Core, GM Core, and Monster Core, these books provide a new foundation for the future of tabletop gaming!

The pocket edition presents the same contents as the standard edition in a smaller sized softcover for a lower price and better portability.

The ideal character option resource for players looking to move beyond Pathfinder Player Core. Pathfinder Player Core 2 includes:

- Eight fully detailed classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, champion, investigator, monk, oracle, sorcerer, and swashbuckler, each with multiple character paths, multiclassing options, and dozens of feats!
- Expanded ancestry options include the catfolk, hobgoblin, hyena-like kholo, kobold, lizardfolk, ratfolk, tengu, and frog-like tripkee alongside three versatile heritages--the dhampir, duskwalker, and all-new dragonblood heritage!
- More than 40 archetypes, allowing you to further customize your character's story and abilities. Turn your hero into an aerial acrobat, a high-riding cavalier, a treacherous pirate, and so much more!
- Spells, alchemical items, and magic items to round out the new classes and to provide some new tricks to the classes from Pathfinder Player Core.

Logan Bonner 作者作品表

Pathfinder Rpg: Pathfinder Core GM Screen (P2) (Hardcover)

Pathfinder Bestiary 2 (P2) (Hardcover)

Pathfinder Playtest Adventure: Doomsday Dawn (Paperback)

Eberron Survival Guide (Hardcover)

Mark Seifter 作者作品表

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons (Pathfinder 2e) (Hardcover)

Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide (P2) (Hardcover)

Pathfinder Core Rulebook (P2) (Hardcover)

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