On The Wall: Finding Happiness in the Strangest of Places (Paperback)
作者: Anne Fine 
分類: School stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 10 years  
書城編號: 28539301

原價: HK$126.00
現售: HK$119.7 節省: HK$6.3

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出版社: Old Barn Books
出版日期: 2024/09/05
頁數: 240
尺寸: 197 x 128 x 21 mm
重量: 216 grams
ISBN: 9781910646991

Can you find happiness anywhere? Anywhere at all?In the chaos of breaktime, one boy sits perfectly still, alone on top of the wall. Those who don't know him are baffled. But by the end of his first year at Winfield School, everyone has learned to prize Finley's gift for quiet contentedness.
Anne Fine 作者作品表

On The Wall: Finding Happiness in the Strangest of Places (Paperback)

He Says…She Says (Paperback)

It Could Be Worse: Fluency 2 (Paperback)

Next to Alice (Paperback)

Aftershocks (Paperback)

Jamie and Angus Forever (Paperback)

Aftershocks (Hardcover)

Shades of Scarlet (Paperback)

Be Nice to Aunt Emma (Paperback)

Shades of Scarlet (Hardcover)

Jamie and Angus Together (Paperback)

Remarkable Ear (Paperback)

Jamie and Angus (Paperback)

Eating Things on Sticks (Unabridged ed) (Audio disc)

Eating Things on Sticks (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

Goggle-Eyes (Paperback)

eBook: Reading Planet KS2 - The Brave Little Tailor - Level 2: Mercury/Brown band (DRM EPUB)

Into the Bin (Paperback)

Reading Planet KS2 - The Brave Little Tailor - Level 2: Merc (Paperback)

Chicken Gave it to Me (Paperback)

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