Face Your Fears, Little Deer (Board Books)
作者: Christianne Jones 
書城編號: 28539728

原價: HK$80.00
現售: HK$76 節省: HK$4

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出版社: Capstone Ed
出版日期: 2025/01/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781630793166

Little Deer is feeling scared during a storm. His mom helps him make a plan so he can face his fears. Short, rhyming text and colorful illustrations will help children feel confident in managing their emotions.
Christianne Jones 作者作品表

One Astronaut Suit and Two Moon Rocks: Counting at the Museum (Hardcover)

Be Kind, Kangaroo (Board Books)

Face Your Fears, Little Deer (Board Books)

Dinosaur Tall and Dinosaur Small: Finding Opposites at the Museum (Paperback)

Dinosaur Tall and Dinosaur Small: Finding Opposites at the Museum (Hardcover)

One Astronaut Suit and Two Moon Rocks: Counting at the Museum (Paperback)

Rocket Cones and Gemstone Squares: Seeing Shapes at the Museum (Hardcover)

Rocket Cones and Gemstone Squares: Seeing Shapes at the Museum (Paperback)

Monkeys Swing and Cheetahs Sprint: Spotting Motion Words at the Zoo (Hardcover)

Monkeys Swing and Cheetahs Sprint: Spotting Motion Words at the Zoo (Paperback)

Every Bunny Farts (Board Books)

Shapes at the Park (Paperback)

Measuring at Home (Paperback)

Counting at the Supermarket (Paperback)

Up, Down and Around the City (Paperback)

Colours in Nature (Paperback)

Opposites at the Zoo (Paperback)

Goodnight Dance (Board Books)

Maybe When I'm Bigger (Board book)

The Baby and Me (Board book)

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