Territorial Development in Latin America: Cultural, Economic and Environmental Dimensions (Hardcover)
作者: Diana Morales, Laura Sariego-Kluge, Tiago Teixeira 
系列: Regions and Cities
分類: Development studies ,
Economics of industrial organisation ,
Development economics & emerging economies ,
Urban economics ,
Human geography ,
Latin America  
書城編號: 28540118

售價: $1890.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis Ltd
出版日期: 2025/03/04 (快將出版)
頁數: 150
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9781032650197

This book discusses development and its intricate connection with the territories where development policies are applied. It explains how conceptualisations alternative to economic growth have evolved in Latin American geographical literature and shows their practical applications in various contexts.
Regions and Cities

Territorial Development in Latin America: Cultural, Economic and Environmental Dimensions (Hardcover)

Contemporary South Africa and the Political Economy of Regional Development (Hardcover)

Migration and Race: Central and Eastern European Perspectives (Hardcover)

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Self-Sufficiency and Sustainable Cities and Regions: Planning for Sustainable, Circular and Carbon-Neutral Development (Hardcover)

Questioning Planetary Illiberal Geographies: Territory, Space and Power (Paperback)

Climate Governance and Urban Planning: Implementing Low-Carbon Development Patterns (Paperback)

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces (Paperback)

European Cities in the Global Crisis: Transforming urban development and governance in the age of austerity (Hardcover)

Social Drinking, Community Cohesion and Third Places: A Pint of Happiness (Hardcover)

eBook: Inequalities, Territorial Politics, Nationalism (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Inequalities, Territorial Politics, Nationalism (DRM PDF)

eBook: Questioning Planetary Illiberal Geographies: Territory, Space and Power (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Questioning Planetary Illiberal Geographies: Territory, Space and Power (DRM PDF)

eBook: Climate Governance and Urban Planning: Implementing Low-Carbon Development Patterns (DRM PDF)

eBook: Climate Governance and Urban Planning: Implementing Low-Carbon Development Patterns (DRM EPUB)

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces (Hardcover)

Digital Creative Industries in Europe: SmartCulture (Hardcover)

eBook: Governance and City Regions: Policy and Planning in Europe (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Governance and City Regions: Policy and Planning in Europe (DRM PDF)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

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