Wuthering Heights(Illustrated) (Paperback)
作者: Emily Bronte 
分類: Classic fiction (pre c 1945) ,
Historical romance  
書城編號: 28540264

售價: $210.00

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出版社: Micheal Smith
出版日期: 2024/07/24
頁數: 460
尺寸: 216 x 140 x 24 mm
重量: 0.53 kg
ISBN: 9783391169440


    Illustrated Edition: Includes 20 stunning, evocative illustrations, each capturing key moments of this timeless classic.Contains Summary: A comprehensive summary that distills the essence of the story, providing a quick and engaging overview.Character List: Detailed descriptions of each character, helping readers keep track of the complex relationships and personalities.Author Biography: An insightful look into the life of Emily Bront
Emily Bronte 作者作品表

Wuthering Heights (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) (Hardcover)

Wuthering Heights (Hardcover)

Wuthering Heights (Paperback)

Wuthering Heights (Hardcover)

Wuthering Heights (Hardcover)

Cime Tempestose (Hardcover)

Cime Tempestose (Paperback)

Wuthering Heights (French edition) (Paperback)

Wuthering Heights (Heritage Collection) (Hardcover)

eBook: Wuthering Heights (mp3 zips)

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Un amant (Hardcover)

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Wuthering Heights(Illustrated) (Paperback)

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