Abundance (Paperback)
作者: Alan Chan 
書城編號: 28543825

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2024/10/17
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9798990940000


Asteroid mining promises untold riches for those willing to take the risks... but in the race to gain first-mover advantage, the price of failure can be severe.

The crew of the first commercial space mission to retrieve an asteroid for mining purposes has been killed in a catastrophic accident. Washed up ex-astronaut Charles 'Chuck' Sorrel is hired to look into the affairs of Abundance, the company behind the mission. He asks a few questions, makes a few conclusions, and writes some recommendations... but never gets a chance to collect.

Sorrel's easy-money gig turns sour when rival Chinese asteroid mining company Yangshen is implicated. The discovery triggers an international incident and thrusts an unwilling Sorrel into a trip across the Pacific, dinner with Yangshen's CEO, confrontations with the Mission Commander's widow Jen, and pressure to "hurry up and get to the bottom of things". Trapped in a high-level cover up, Sorrel must navigate a web of lies and deceit to uncover the truth - and make peace with his past in order to save the future.

Abundance is a cross-genre sci-fi thriller that spans the world and the heavens above... offering a glimpse into the messy near-future world of commercial space exploration and militarization, emergent AGI and geopolitical intrigue - where the ground truth is all-too-human and wholly unpredictable.

Alan Chan 作者作品表

Abundance (Hardcover)

Abundance (Paperback)

Marine Melodies: A Coloring Journey with Sea Turtles, Whales, and Dolphin Serenity (Paperback)

Mindfulness Coloring Book for Adults: Serenity and Splendor - Embrace Calm with Majestic Animals, Mythical Beings, and Nature's Artistry (Paperback)

Unlock Your Digital Connections (Paperback)

Social Media Revolution (Paperback)

Vehicles Coloring Book for Kids (Paperback)

Pomeranian Paradise: A Fun-Filled Coloring Book for Dog Lovers (Paperback)

Easter Celebrations: A Coloring Book Filled with Joy and Happiness (Paperback)

A Joyful Horse Coloring Book for Kids (Paperback)

Baby Goat Coloring Book for Kids (Paperback)

The Quest for the Golden Key: A Treasure Hunt Adventure (Paperback)


Writing for Distinction (HKDSE)

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