The Boston Tea Party: Spot the Myths (Hardcover)
作者: Megan Cooley Peterson 
書城編號: 28544847

原價: HK$313.00
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出版社: Capstone Pr
出版日期: 2025/01/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781669087090

On December 16, 1773, a group of American colonists in Boston, Massachusetts, took part in a brave act of protest. Angry about laws Great Britain had passed, they snuck onto ships carrying tea and dumped it overboard. The event later became known as the Boston Tea Party. Soon myths about what happened emerged. Did an increase in tea taxes lead up to the event? Did the colonists dump full tea crates into the sea? Now it's up to you to separate the truths from the myths. Will you be able to guess them, or will you be fooled?
Megan Cooley Peterson 作者作品表

The Battle of the Alamo: Spot the Myths (Paperback)

The Battle of the Alamo: Spot the Myths (Hardcover)

The Boston Tea Party: Spot the Myths (Paperback)

The Boston Tea Party: Spot the Myths (Hardcover)

Spotting UFOs with Tech (Paperback)

Searching for Aliens with Tech (Paperback)

Super Surprising Trivia About Rainforest Animals (Paperback)

Super Surprising Trivia About the Unexplained (Paperback)

Super Surprising Trivia About the Paranormal (Hardcover)

Super Surprising Trivia About the Middle Ages (Hardcover)

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Can You Escape a Haunted Battlefield?: An Interactive Paranormal Adventure (Hardcover)

Can You Escape a Haunted Battlefield?: An Interactive Paranormal Adventure (Paperback)

Can You Escape a Haunted Hotel?: An Interactive Paranormal Adventure (Paperback)

The Secret Life of Bigfoot (Paperback)

eBook: Dead Girls Talking (DRM EPUB)

Spotting UFOs with Tech (Hardcover)

Searching for Aliens with Tech (Hardcover)

Super Surprising Trivia About Rainforest Animals (Hardcover)

Super Surprising Trivia About the Unexplained (Hardcover)

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