The Holovid Hero: Book One of the Green Charisma Chronicles (Paperback)
作者: David Pearce 
書城編號: 28548617

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2024/06/28
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9798989832118

Is it true that every person is a hero not yet realized? Or do they only exist in holograms?

Cinematographer Ian "Mac" MacIntyre needs to revive a sinking career. His new job involves directing and recording a reality show, The Adventures of Captain Charisma. The episodes will portray his actor's exploits as he visits the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

When the producer sends Captain Charisma to smash a dangerous alien bug aboard a space station and milk the ratings, Mac sweats over his own safety and his actor's peril. As a paunchy, balding guy approaching middle age, Mac isn't built for heroics. However, the producer insists on exciting footage.

The show's rating success is thrown into question when Mac's ex-wife, Rose, appears as a director for a rival show. Despite power failing on the damaged station, Mac must put his actor (and himself) into the monster's path to create unforgettable scenes and to prove he is a better director than Rose. A wrong step and he might lose a ratings war and his reality show. Worse, he and his actor could end up as bug food.

David Pearce 作者作品表

The Holovid Hero: Book One of the Green Charisma Chronicles (Paperback)

eBook: Peak Success: An Entrepreneurial Guide to Business Prosperity (DRM EPUB)

Peak Success: An Entrepreneurial Guide to Business Prosperity (Paperback)

Nottingham Towards Kirkby-In-Ashfield: The GCR Route To 1966 (Hardcover)

A Twinkle in the Eyes of God: A Monk Buttman Mystery (paperback)

Wildt & Co. Ltd, 50th Anniversary (1934) Reprint (Paperback)

Loughborough to Nottingham (Hardcover)

eBook: Blueprint 3: Measuring Sustainable Development (DRM PDF)

eBook: Blueprint 3: Measuring Sustainable Development (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Conservation Today: Conservation in Britain since 1975 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Conservation Today: Conservation in Britain since 1975 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Blueprint 2: Greening the World Economy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Blueprint 2: Greening the World Economy (DRM PDF)

Wedding Photography - A Guide to Posing (Paperback)

Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case Studies (Paperback)

Royal Marines Fitness (Hardcover)

Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries - Case Studies (Hardcover)

Economics and Environment: Essays on Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development (Paperback)

eBook: Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering? (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hedonistic Imperative (DRM EPUB)

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