Milton and Music (Paperback)
作者: Seth Herbst 
系列: Routledge Focus on Literature
分類: Music ,
Literary theory ,
Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800  
書城編號: 28549247

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Taylor & Francis Ltd
出版日期: 2024/10/09
頁數: 140
尺寸: 216 x 138 mm
ISBN: 9781032457222

Milton and Music is the first study to juxtapose John Milton’s poetry on music with later musical adaptations of his work.
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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Seth Herbst 作者作品表

Milton and Music (Paperback)

eBook: Milton and Music (DRM PDF)

eBook: Milton and Music (DRM EPUB)

Milton and Music (Hardcover)

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