Arab Digital Journalism (Paperback)
作者: Noha Mellor 
系列: Disruptions
分類: The arts: general issues ,
linguistics ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Regional studies ,
Humanities ,
Cultural studies ,
Media studies ,
Social groups ,
Economics ,
Press & journalism ,
Middle East  
書城編號: 28551098

售價: $280.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis Ltd
出版日期: 2024/10/09
頁數: 134
尺寸: 216 x 138 mm
ISBN: 9781032111988

Responding to urgent calls to de-westernise Media and Journalism Studies and shed light on local agency, this book examines digital journalistic practices in the Arab region, exploring how Arab journalists understand their roles and how digital technologies in Arab newsrooms are used to influence public opinion.

The Disputed Freedoms of a Disrupted Press (Paperback)

The Institutional Development of Podcasting: From Hobby Projects to Platform Content (Hardcover)

Arab Digital Journalism (Paperback)

Digital Journalism in China (Paperback)

Disrupting Chinese Journalism: Changing Politics, Economics, and Journalistic Practices of the Legacy Newspaper Press (Paperback)

News Agencies: Anachronism or Lifeblood of the Media System? (Paperback)

The Markets for News: Enduring Structures in the Age of Business Model Disruptions (Paperback)

Journalism Between Disruption and Resilience: Reflections on the Norwegian Experience (Paperback)

Digital-Native News and the Remaking of Latin American Mainstream and Alternative Journalism (Paperback)

Algorithmic Gatekeeping for Professional Communicators: Power, Trust, and Legitimacy (Paperback)

Newsrooms and the Disruption of the Internet: A Short History of Disruptive Technologies, 1990–2010 (Paperback)

Data for Journalism: Between Transparency and Accountability (Paperback)

News Journalism and Twitter: Disruption, Adaption and Normalisation (Paperback)

Digital Journalism and the Facilitation of Hate (Paperback)

eBook: Disrupting Mainstream Journalism in India: The Rise of Alternative Journalisms Online (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Disrupting Mainstream Journalism in India: The Rise of Alternative Journalisms Online (DRM PDF)

Changing News Use: Unchanged News Experiences? (Paperback)

Digital Innovations and the Production of Local Content in Community Radio: Changing Practices in the UK (Paperback)

Disrupting Investigative Journalism: Moment of Death or Dramatic Rebirth? (Paperback)

Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing in Journalism (Paperback)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Noha Mellor 作者作品表

Arab Digital Journalism (Paperback)

Routledge Handbook on Arab Cinema (Hardcover)

eBook: Arab Digital Journalism (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Arab Digital Journalism (DRM PDF)

Arab Digital Journalism (Hardcover)

Voice of the Muslim Brotherhood (Paperback)

eBook: Voice of the Muslim Brotherhood: Da'wa, Discourse, and Political Communication (DRM PDF)

eBook: Voice of the Muslim Brotherhood: Da'wa, Discourse, and Political Communication (DRM EPUB)

Political Islam and Global Media (Paperback)

eBook: Egyptian Dream: Egyptian National Identity and Uprisings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Egyptian Dream: Egyptian National Identity and Uprisings (DRM PDF)

Arab Journalists in Transnational Media (Hardback)

Modern Arab Journalism (Paperback)

eBook: Making of Arab News (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Making of Arab News (DRM PDF)

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