Moon Magic: Lunar Myths, Goddesses, Horoscopes, and Herbs (Hardcover)
作者: Wyrd Books 
書城編號: 28553706

售價: $290.00

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出版社: Vintage Dog Books
出版日期: 2024/08/28
重量: 0.26 kg
ISBN: 9781528773607


In a magical collection of astrology, herbology, myths, and folktales, explore the history of Moon worship in this essential guide to lunar magic.

'Luna, every woman's friend'

-Taylor, Storyology, 1900

Moon Magic answers all your questions about our closest celestial neighbour. Discover the astrological signs, houses, and numbers the Moon rules over as well as the trees, plants, and herbs that she governs. Read the stories of the powerful Moon deities Diana, Selene, Io, and Tana, and learn the original myths behind the ancient Man in the Moon.

With folktales and poems, herbal secrets and astrological insights, Moon Magic is an essential magic grimoire for those seeking lunar wisdom.

Wyrd Books 作者作品表

Garden Magic: Charms, Folklore, and Everyday Wisdom for Gardeners (Hardcover)

Moon Phases: A Witch's Guide to the Lunar Calendar (Hardcover)

Moon Magic: Lunar Myths, Goddesses, Horoscopes, and Herbs (Hardcover)

eBook: Moon Phases: A Witch's Guide to the Lunar Calendar (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Moon Magic: Lunar Myths, Goddesses, Horoscopes, and Herbs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Occult Sciences - Witchcraft and Low Magic (DRM EPUB)

Weather Folk-Lore of the Sea and Superstitions of the Scottish Fishermen (Hardcover)

eBook: Weather Folk-Lore of the Sea and Superstitions of the Scottish Fishermen (DRM EPUB)

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