Is Exploring Space Important? (Paperback)
作者: Elizabeth Morgan 
書城編號: 28555137

售價: $93.00

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出版社: Kidhaven K 12
出版日期: 2024/07/30
ISBN: 9781534547797

Space exploration has taught us valuable things, and it might find a new home for humans if Earth someday becomes uninhabitable. While there is value in these reasons for devoting time and money to space exploration, some people argue that time and money could be better spent helping people on Earth. This complicated debate is presented to readers through unbiased text that fosters the independent development of an informed opinion about this hot topic. Engaging photographs and a graphic organizer enhance the reading experience, and fact boxes allow readers to support their point of view with relevant data.
Elizabeth Morgan 作者作品表

Is Exploring Space Important? (Library Binding)

Is Exploring Space Important? (Paperback)

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