Legend of the White Snake (Compact Disc)
作者: Sher Lee 
書城編號: 28559237

原價: HK$460.00
現售: HK$437 節省: HK$23

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出版社: Harpercollins
出版日期: 2024/10/15
ISBN: 9798874817565


A snake spirit transforms into a boy and must hide his true identity after falling for a headstrong prince in this lush, romantic retelling of the traditional Chinese folktale.

When Prince Xian was a boy, a white snake bit his mother and condemned her to a slow, painful death. The only known cure is an elusive spirit pearl--or an antidote created from the rare white snake itself. Desperate and determined, Xian travels to the city of Changle, where an oracle predicted he would find and capture a white snake.

Seven years ago, Zhen, a white snake in the West Lake, consumed a coveted spirit pearl, which gave him special powers--including the ability to change into human form.

In Changle, Xian encounters an enigmatic but beautiful stable boy named Zhen. The two are immediately drawn to each other, but Zhen soon realizes that he is the white snake Xian is hunting. As their feelings grow deeper, will the truth about Zhen's identity tear them apart?

Sher Lee 作者作品表

Legend of the White Snake (Paperback)

Legend of the White Snake (Hardcover)

eBook: Legend of the White Snake: A queer, lush YA Romantasy with snakes! (DRM EPUB)

Legend of the White Snake (Paperback)

The Legend of the White Snake (Hardcover)

Legend of the White Snake (Compact Disc)

Fake Dates and Mooncakes (Paperback)

eBook: Fake Dates and Mooncakes: The Buzziest Queer YA of 2023 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fake Dates and Mooncakes (DRM EPUB)

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