Internet of Everything for Smart City and Smart Healthcare Applications (2024) (Paperback)
作者: Nishu Gupta 
書城編號: 28561710

售價: $2000.00

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出版社: Springer Nature
出版日期: 2024/08/23
ISBN: 9783031346033

This book provides an insight on the importance that the Internet of Things (IoT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions can offer towards smart city and healthcare applications. The book features include elaboration of recent and emerging developments in various specializations of curing health problems; smart transportation systems, traffic management for smart cities; energy management, deep learning and machine learning techniques for smart health and smart cities; and concepts that incorporate the Internet of Everything (IoE). The book discusses useful IoE applications and architectures that cater to critical knowledge creation towards developing new capacities and outstanding economic opportunities for businesses and the society.
Nishu Gupta 作者作品表

Internet of Everything for Smart City and Smart Healthcare Applications (2024) (Paperback)

Internet of Everything for Smart City and Smart Healthcare Applications (2024) (Hardcover)

Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems: Third Eai International Conference, Ic4s 2022, Virtual Event, November 26-27, 2022, Proceedings (2023)

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