eBook: Power of the Badge: Sheriffs and Inequality in the United States (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Emily M. Farris, Mirya R. Holman 
分類: History ,
Politics & government ,
Regional government ,
Political control & freedoms ,
Civil rights & citizenship  
書城編號: 28562463

售價: $325.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: University of Chicago Press
出版日期: 2024/09/05
ISBN: 9780226834504
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A sobering exploration of the near unchecked power of sheriffs in the United States.Across the United States, more than 3,000 sheriffs occupy a unique position in the US political and legal systems. Elected by voters usually in low-visibility, noncompetitive elections sheriffs oversee more than a third of law enforcement employees and control almost all local jails. They have the power to both set and administer policies, and they can imprison, harm, and even kill members of their communities. Yet, they enjoy a degree of autonomy not seen by other political officeholders.The Power of the Badge offers an unprecedented, data-rich look into the politics of the office and its effects on local communities. Emily M. Farris and Mirya R. Holman draw on two surveys of sheriffs taken nearly a decade apart, as well as election data, case studies, and administrative data to show how a volatile combination of authority and autonomy has created an environment where sheriffs rarely change; elections seldom create meaningful accountability; employees, budgets, and jails can be used for political gains; marginalized populations can be punished; and reforms fail. Farris and Holman also track the increasingly close linkages between sheriffs and right-wing radical groups in an era of high partisanship and intra-federal conflict.

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