eBook: Glorious Bodies: Trans Theology and Renaissance Literature (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Colby Gordon 
分類: Education ,
Of specific Gay & Lesbian interest ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 28562476

售價: $351.00

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製造商: University of Chicago Press
出版日期: 2024/09/04
ISBN: 9780226835013
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A prehistory of transness that recovers early modern theological resources for trans lifeworlds. In this striking contribution to trans history, Colby Gordon challenges the prevailing assumption that trans life is a byproduct of recent medical innovation by locating a cultural imaginary of transition in the religious writing of the English Renaissance. Marking a major intervention in early modern gender studies, Glorious Bodies insists that transition happened, both socially and surgically, hundreds of years before the nineteenth-century advent of sexology. Pairing literary texts by Shakespeare, Webster, Donne, and Milton with a broad range of primary sources, Gordon examines the religious tropes available to early modern subjects for imagining how gender could change. From George Herbert s invaginated Jesus and Milton s gestational Adam to the ungendered glorious body of the resurrection, early modern theology offers a rich conceptual reservoir of trans imagery. In uncovering early modern trans theology, Glorious Bodies mounts a critique of the broad consensus that secularism is a necessary precondition for trans life, while also combating contemporary transphobia and the right-wing Christian culture war seeking to criminalize transition. Developing a rehabilitative account of theology s value for positing trans lifeworlds, this book leverages premodern religion to imagine a postsecular transness in the present.
Colby Gordon 作者作品表

eBook: Glorious Bodies: Trans Theology and Renaissance Literature (DRM PDF)

eBook: Glorious Bodies: Trans Theology and Renaissance Literature (DRM EPUB)

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