eBook: Lost Souls: Soviet Displaced Persons and the Birth of the Cold War (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sheila Fitzpatrick 
分類: History ,
European history ,
Migration, immigration & emigration ,
Fascism & Nazism ,
Human rights ,
Civil rights & citizenship ,
書城編號: 28574944

原價: HK$390.00
現售: HK$370.5 節省: HK$19.5

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Princeton University Press
出版日期: 2024/11/12
頁數: 352
ISBN: 9780691230030

A vivid history of how Cold War politics helped solve one of the twentieth century's biggest refugee crisesWhen World War II ended, about one million people whom the Soviet Union claimed as its citizens were outside the borders of the USSR, mostly in the Western-occupied zones of Germany and Austria. These ';displaced persons,' or DPsRussians, prewar Soviet citizens, and people from West Ukraine and the Baltic states forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1939refused to repatriate to the Soviet Union despite its demands. Thus began one of the first big conflicts of the Cold War. In Lost Souls, Sheila Fitzpatrick draws on new archival research, including Soviet interviews with hundreds of DPs, to offer a vivid account of this crisis, from the competitive maneuverings of politicians and diplomats to the everyday lives of DPs.American enthusiasm for funding the refugee organizations taking care of DPs quickly waned after the war. It was only after DPs were redefinedfrom ';victims of war and Nazism' to ';victims of Communism'in 1947 that a solution was found: the United States would pay for the mass resettlement of DPs in America, Australia, and other countries outside Europe. The Soviet Union protested this ';theft' of its citizens. But it was a coup for the United States. The choice of DPs to live a free life in the West, and the West's welcome of them, became an important theme in America's Cold War propaganda battle with the Soviet Union.A compelling story of the early Cold War, Lost Souls is also a rare chronicle of a refugee crisis that was solved.
Sheila Fitzpatrick 作者作品表

Lost Souls: Soviet Displaced Persons and the Birth of the Cold War (Hardcover)

eBook: Lost Souls: Soviet Displaced Persons and the Birth of the Cold War (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Lost Souls: Soviet Displaced Persons and the Birth of the Cold War (DRM PDF)

Breve Historia de la Union Sovietica (Paperback)

The Shortest History of the Soviet Union (Paperback)

The Shortest History of the Soviet Union (Compact Disc)

The Shortest History of the Soviet Union (Compact Disc)

The Shortest History of the Soviet Union (MP3 CD)

The Shortest History of the Soviet Union (MP3 CD)

eBook: Shortest History of the Soviet Union (DRM EPUB)

The Shortest History of the Soviet Union (Hardcover)

eBook: Shortest History of the Soviet Union (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia (DRM PDF)

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