eBook: War-Khasi and War-Jaintia: Navigating the Syntactic Complexity of Khasi Language Varieties (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Rymphang K. Rynjah, Saralin A. Lyngdoh 
分類: linguistics ,
Historical & comparative linguistics ,
Grammar, syntax & morphology  
書城編號: 28593718

售價: $1222.00

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製造商: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
出版日期: 2024/08/09
頁數: 167
ISBN: 9781036409456

This book is an exploration into the syntactic structures of Khasi language varieties through a comparative analysis of the War-Khasi and War-Jaintia varieties. The study aims to uncover the unique features and complexities of these languages, shedding light on their grammatical intricacies. Key objectives include investigating structural variations, offering in-depth insights into syntactic operations, clarifying the distinction between functional and lexical heads, and systematically comparing word orders.This book caters to a diverse audience, from linguistics enthusiasts and researchers to educators and policymakers interested in the preservation and cultural diversity of the regional languages in Northeast India. Language enthusiasts will find the detailed examination of morphosyntax and syntactic operations captivating, enhancing their understanding of the linguistic intricacies governing communication in the Khasi language. Researchers will value the book's rigorous methodology, which integrates primary data elicitation, parallel text analysis, and contrastive analysis to provide valuable insights into syntactic variation and language change in the Khasi language.

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