eBook: Criminal Psychology (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: David Rowlands, David Canter 
系列: Topics in Applied Psychology
分類: Society & culture: general ,
Crime & criminology ,
Psychological theory & schools of thought ,
Social, group or collective psychology ,
Criminal or forensic psychology ,
Criminology: legal aspects ,
Criminal justice law  
書城編號: 28594343

售價: $559.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/09/05
頁數: 378
ISBN: 9781040102800
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This carefully revised third edition of Criminal Psychology offers a vital, up-to-date account of the wide range of psychological contributions to the understanding of criminals and crime, its investigation, the legal processes of dealing with offenders, and helping victims.The book provides insights into cognitive, developmental, and social theories of a diverse range of crimes, including domestic abuse, burglary, fraud, rape, murder, and terrorism. It also discusses the psychological contributions to policing, criminal investigations, and court processes, and gives consideration to securing reliable testimony and rehabilitation in prisons. The third edition complements the topics established in earlier editions with the addition of current and emerging issues in the study of criminal psychology, including cybercrime, new forms of fraud, and developments in organised crime, as well as the future of crimes and their psychology. The well-illustrated text is packed with pedagogical features that bring this fascinating subject to life, including boxes highlighting key topics, descriptions of research methods, further reading, and suggested essay titles.Offering a comprehensive, accessible, contemporary introduction, the book shows that many aspects of psychology are essential for understanding criminals and their actions, the investigation of crime, and court procedures. This is the ideal text for students across psychology, criminology, socio-legal studies, and law, as well as everyone who wishes to gain an overview of criminal psychology.
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David Rowlands 作者作品表

Cambrian Minstrelsie: (alawon Gwalia) A National Collection Of Welsh Songs. The Music In Old And New Notations; Volume 1 (Hardcover)

Grammadeg Cymraeg (Hardcover)

Cambrian Minstrelsie: (alawon Gwalia) A National Collection Of Welsh Songs. The Music In Old And New Notations; Volume 1 (Paperback)

Grammadeg Cymraeg (Paperback)

David Canter 作者作品表

Readings on the Psychology of Place: Selected Works of David Canter (Paperback)

Criminal Psychology in Action: A Project Based Approach (Hardcover)

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eBook: Fires and Human Behaviour: Second Edition (DRM PDF)

Criminal Shadows: Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer (Paperback)

eBook: Readings on the Psychology of Place: Selected Works of David Canter (DRM PDF)

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Readings on the Psychology of Place: Selected Works of David Canter (Hardcover)

eBook: Experiments in Anti-Social Behaviour: Ten Studies for Students (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Experiments in Anti-Social Behaviour: Ten Studies for Students (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Science Perspectives on Climate Change (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Science Perspectives on Climate Change (DRM EPUB)

Cranks Recipe Book (Paperback)

Criminal Psychology (2 ed) (Hardcover)

Criminal Psychology (Paperback)

eBook: Criminal Psychology (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Criminal Psychology (DRM PDF)

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