eBook: Asian American Identities, Relationships, and Post-Migration Legacies: Reflections from Marriage and Family Therapists (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jessica ChenFeng, Lana Kim 
分類: Sexual abuse & harassment ,
Ethnic studies ,
Black & Asian studies ,
Sociology ,
Counselling & advice services ,
Family psychology ,
書城編號: 28595119

售價: $390.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/10/04
頁數: 216
ISBN: 9781040125847
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Bringing together the personal and professional narratives of Asian American family therapists, this book offers insight into the Asian American experience through systemic theory and frameworks, individual and community stories, and clinical considerations.The Asian American experience is still a largely invisible and unknown one, especially in the field of marriage and family therapy. With a contextual lens, this book highlights how understanding family migration legacies and individual generational status relative to time, place, and context is critical to doing meaningful work with Asian Americans. Filled with thought-provoking case studies and reflective questions, chapters discuss the impact of stereotyping on mental health; the historical and present ways that Asian American racialization invisibilizes individual and collective experiences; shame associated with bicultural identity, gender, generational trauma, media representations; and more. Each chapter bridges these ideas to clinical practice while concurrently centering the voices and experiences of Asian American therapists.This book is essential reading for marriage and family therapists and other mental health clinicians who want to deepen their understanding of, relationship with, and clinical support for the Asian Americans in their lives, whether friends, colleagues, supervisees, or clients.

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